
The Logo

Primary Use

A10 compressed air services logo

Alternate Use

A10 white on dark rgb

* All artwork used in any situation must have the approval of the marketing department. To request approval of your artwork, send an email to Ben Moffett



PMS: 158C
RGB: 232, 119, 34
CMYK: 0, 62, 95, 0
HTML: #E87722

Medium Blue

PMS: 7699C
RGB: 51, 100, 126
CMYK: 84, 54, 35, 12
HTML: #33647E

Primary Blue

PMS: 639C
RGB: 0, 149, 200
CMYK: 99, 1, 5, 5
HTML: #0095C8

Dark Blue

PMS: 7546C
RGB: 36, 55, 70
CMYK: 86, 69, 50, 46
HTML: #24376

Billy Brown

PMS: 7527C
RGB: 214, 209, 196
CMYK: 16, 13, 21, 0

Mane Red

PMS: 181C
RGB: 131, 51, 46
CMYK: 31, 86, 80, 33
HTML: #83332E

Billy Brown Shadows

PMS: 7530C
RGB: 163, 147, 131
CMYK: 37, 38, 47, 3
HTML: #A39383

Billy Brown Hooves

PMS: 405C
RGB: 104, 96, 88
CMYK: 56, 53, 59, 25
HTML: #686058


We use the BARLOW Font Family for all marketing and communications for the Warthog Brand. This font can be downloaded in multiple typefaces on the Google Fonts website here: Download Now

H1 or Top Level Headlines - Barlow Condensed

H2 or SUB-Headlines - Barlow MEDIUM Condensed in all caps with adequate line height

H3 or Paragraph Headlines should Use Barlow Bold

H4 or Bullet Points can use Barlow Medium

H5 or additional headings can also use Barlow Medium
H6 or additional headings can also use Barlow Medium

Paragraph text should use Barlow Regular


Billy The Warthog

Billy the warthog

* All artwork used in any situation must have the approval of the marketing department. To request approval of your artwork, send an email to Caleb Snyder.

Service / Repair

Our Close Air Support is ready when you need it including scheduled maintenance.


Our team is ready to find the parts your struggling to source.


24/7 Emergency Support compressor and dryer rentals - 864.605.7792

Air Flow Audits

We can quickly isolate issues or find the source of your energy waste.