Sustainable Compressed Air Services
Our air systems are carefully designed and built for maximum efficiency, with each component built to minimize energy waste. Outside the plant, we offer compressed air-related oil and waste disposal, taking thorough precautions to handle all waste responsibly with minimal environmental disturbance.
SCDHEC’s Air Guide
This great guide discusses air quality both in general and has links for businesses who need higher quality air in their businesses or production.
Things You Can Do in April – or any time of year
- Have A10 perform an air audit or study to help reduce waste (and save money)!
- Dispose of hazardous substances properly. (We can help with air compressor waste.)
- Reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Conserve water.
- Carpool, bike, walk and ride the bus.
- Get a reusable bag for shopping trips.
- Drive Smart.
- Don’t Idle.
- Compost food and yard waste
- Keep storm drains free of trash.
- Put litter in its place.
- Adopt-a-Beach.
- Adopt-a-Stream.
- Become a Clean Marina.
- Water your lawn only when it needs it.
- Grasscycle.
- Donate food to food banks and charities.
- Buy earth-friendly products and material.
Earth day is April 22, 2021!
Thank you to SCDHEC for the great list above.