What Is A Compressed Air Audit?
When trying to keep tabs on your energy efficiency and the overall health of your air system, it is vital to do routine checks and work to stay on top of how the system operates. All of the components of the air system need to be checked to get a complete understanding of operational efficiency, energy efficiency, and other characteristics of the air system. At A10 multiple services can be provided to check the health and efficiency of your air system including a Free Air Audit and an additional Leak Detection study can be done alongside the free audit. These services include:
Root Cause Analysis
System Control
System Automation
Remote Monitoring
Energy Cost Calculators
The use of these tools in combination with one another makes it easier to identify energy problems, locate areas for cost savings, and maximize the energy efficiency of your system. Being able to pinpoint areas of energy waste, like a system that needs 120 PSI to operate but along the system air loss causes production to need to reach 145 PSI, resulting in a 25 PSI loss of air and waste of energy. This wasted PSI can easily be fixed by determining where the problem is after an audit is done in tandem with a leak study. This will provide an understanding of your system that you would not have had prior to the two studies.
After an audit has been completed, a full report of the energy details will be generated for a better understanding of exactly what is going on with energy consumption in your system. If you choose to do a leak detection study as well, this will allow for specific actions to be made to correct those problems and increase the efficiency of the air system. These results will come from a week’s worth of data being collected to get the full picture of what is going on in the system. This understanding is needed to be able to move your system forward to reach your energy efficiency goals.
Why Should I Get A Free Air Audit?
It goes without being said that the number one reason to get an air audit is the reduction in energy costs We will come to you and check out your air system at no cost to you. The size of your operation does not matter, whether it be a large facility or a smaller operation we just want to make sure that you are operating at maximum energy efficiency
Getting an Air Audit can provide you with peace of mind when it comes to your air system. You can have full confidence that you are doing what you can to ensure maximum energy efficiency, and that you know what the exact needs are for your system. If you wanted to know even more about your system, we can do a leak detection on your plant as well for an additional fee.
Staying on top of your energy usage can be the key to improving your margins and making your overall production smoother. Something that is completely out of sight may be losing your time and money on production. Whether you added a new machine to your system, are experiencing air supply issues, are concerned about your energy usage, or just want to do a routine check-up on your air system consider giving us a call here at A10, the best in close air support. You take no risks with A10 when it comes to an air audit, the only risk you could take is not getting a free air audit.
Free Air Audit Request Form
The Flow Can’t Hide The Facts
Compressed air is the fourth utility, behind water, electricity, and natural gas, when it comes to the upkeep of a facility. It works well in areas where the use of electricity or gas could be a potential safety hazard, namely the risk of combustion. Keeping your air up and running is a major component of having a successful operation, but even with all of the benefits that it provides, air is one of the most inefficient uses of energy.
Due to this inefficiency, it is important to stay on top of your air system’s performance to minimize increased energy costs that can be easily avoided. About 40% of a facility’s total energy costs can be a result of the compressed air system, and this can be exacerbated by compressors not being properly sized, having outdated technology, pressure drops, and other hidden problems within the system. your system may appear to be functioning normally, but in reality, it could be draining a large portion of energy and therefore your money.
You might be wondering how you check the efficiency of your air system to ensure you are not wasting excess energy, and the answer is simple, you need to get an Air Audit done on your air system. An air audit is a simple way to keep on top of the health of your air system and reduce your energy costs. An audit takes about a week to complete, but it provides invaluable information on the internal functionality and efficiency of the system.
"Close Air Support" When you need it
Request An Audit
Let us know who to get in contact with so that the process can get started to know more about your system.
Have An Air Study Done
We will come to you to perform a compressed air audit on your entire air system to give you a better understanding of what you might need.
Know What To Do Next
With the new knowledge from the audit, you will be able to know what changes need to be made to reach maximum efficiency.